Music Blobs

Descrição do Produto

  • Amazing user interface
  • Popular music that has reached the "Top 50" on multiple providers
  • Over 30 genres of music, all filterable by over a dozen filters
  • Swipe right on a song to view a plethora of metadata including a visualization of the data that caused the song to be added to our catalog
  • Swipe left on a song to add the song to your Favorites playlist or to share the song
  • Instant search
  • Upload new songs by uploading an MP3 or simply submit a link to a SoundCloud, HypeM, or MP3 page
  • Stunning visualizer with swipeable cards
  • Sign in with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Spotify, a phone number, or an e-mail address
  • Ability to sync data with Spotify and LastFM

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